
Ready? BREAK!

Just when you think your life is going great........your whole world comes crashing down. BOOM!

It's like this:

When all the songs are over and all the words have been said you still feel empty. You feel like there is no place in the world for you. You feel like no one excepts you for who you are. The truth is, you only feel this way because you don't accept yourself.  So how do you expect anyone else to. You constantly thing negative thoughts and negative things begin to happen. To be taken seriously, you have to take yourself seriously. For others to believe in you, YOU have to believe in you first. No matter what anyone else says or thinks. Your thought is the only one that counts. Take everything that someone says to you as a compliment. Smile and say Thank You, because we all need criticism.

What I've learned:

The people who try and bring you down, get a kick out of watching someone else suffer, because they suffer. They fail to realize that karma does exist, and she is A BIT*H. In this world today, living from day to day is a struggle. You never know what's gonna happen, never waste time with the concern of another's life. Every experience is a chance for growth. That which does not kill you, makes you stronger. You live, you learn and you love regardless of whatever has happen. Ten minutes ago is the past and the only way you can go is forward. Get a dose of life and live it.

Take my advice?

We all have flaws. We are human and it's only human to make mistakes. To worry. But don't be afraid to be YOU, even if it costs you everything, you are the first YOU that ever was and will ever be. You have to make the most of what God has blessed you with on this earth. Time cannot be saved, it cannot be frozen nor can it be replace. Everything in life happens for a reason, EVERYTHING. We all have to go through life, so it's really no use in trippin' over things beyond your control.

Be your own competition.

With Love,
 Always Opinionated.

We know NOT what we want?

I think it very STUPID to go into a relationship NOT knowing what you really want, and I mean really want. What are the things beyond what you can see? I mean looks can only get you so far. What about the conversation that later turns into communication if the relationship evolves. Respect? You definitely want that other person to respect you, but the question always is…. are YOU giving them something to respect?! Moral? Family Life? Goals? Many different factors go into determining what you really want out of a relationship, whether it be short or long term.

I've asked a lot of questions and both sexes as their wholes, say the same things.

Men want?

Men want a fun and exciting women. Sexually more so than anything. They want that sense of being on the edge. Men are easy. Really easy. Its just that so many women think too dang much and always drive them away with the "naggin". THERE IS NOT ALWAYS SOMETHING WRONG. And that's one of the MAIN things men want out of their women, for them to just be there and not constantly over analyze everything (Men, there are women like that out here).There are certain things that a man will discuss with a woman, if that level of communication and trust has been established. Men DO NOT want to discuss every single detail of their day. They just don't. Once the day is over for them, that’s just it. IT'S OVER. He just wants to -----> SH*T, EAT, F**K, & SLEEP, in that order.   Men want consistent, frequent, passionate sex. Yes passionate, they like for their women to get into it, let them know that its good, (BUT NEVER LIE LADIES). They want to always be attracted to you. Even though they know nothing about what it takes to stay looking all good and sh*t, but men get turned off by many different things that a woman does, and he is ready to FLEE. So that LOOK GOOD factor is kind of a must. Men want their women to give them private time to be left alone, to spend on hobbies and sports, and to spend time with other men (MAN TIME is what I call it). Men do not like clingy, need to be with you all the time kind of women. Men just want relaxed women that know how to back off when necessary.

Women want?

A woman is a special being who yearns to be loved and appreciated and are not as difficult as men perceive them to be. Women wants to be loved and told that they are beautiful just the way they are. They want to be appreciated and noticed for the things that they do. "When she goes out to get that hair done (THAT YOU WANTED), she wants you to say, Hey baby! Lookin good!"  They want honesty and sincerity, they need you to be there for them when they are going through a rough time. Women want MEN. Not boys. Men that stay and face challenges. Men that pray. Men that know what it takes to please a women, both physically and emotionally. Women want men who HEARS them and not just listens to what they say "Big difference there men!". They want to be handled with delicacy "We are God's beauties," taken seriously, understood and never understated. Women want security. They want to know that NO MATTER WHAT, you are there.  They want real men who are not afraid to be themselves, AT ALL TIMES, no matter who's around. Women want men that do not try and change them, but accepts them for who they are, and what they aspire to be. They want to be loved.

Both men and women have it made up in their minds that they want the perfect companion, but no such thing exists. It is a KNOWN fact that no one is perfect, there is always going to be something that we lack, because people are truly never satisfied. We reach for perfection only to never find it. Instead of seeing the true beauty in someones flaws, we rather conform our thoughts based what society tells us what perfection is. To me, perfection is our flaws, it’s the things that make us different from that next. My flaw is not your flaw and that’s what makes us all perfect.  Don't go seeking that perfect someone, they do not exist, just seek that one that is perfect for you. There is someone out there for everyone, but only if we are willing to see those perfect imperfections.

With Love,
Always Opinionated. 


Bounce UP ON it.

One word. Two people. Or more if that's what you like -----> SEX! Say, SEX SEX SEX, this is the ONE thing I believe we ALL love in common. Some comfortable with sex and talking about it… Others not so much… I am one of those that are very very… Did i say very… Comfortable talking…writing…reading..singing…Just about anything… that has to do with the 3 letter word…but i’ve never gotten why so many ppl are uptight about it… its how we all got here!
A momentous moment shared between 2 CONSENTING individuals (of consenting age)… that brings us to a level of heightened senses and a euphoric kind of paradise… kinda like a drug… Should be included in the world encyclopedia for health… Just like a daily vitamin. “Get it in”… LOL! Everywhere you look these days… there is someone trying to tell you something different about sex… but SEX DOES THE BODY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOD! If your doing it right… I’m talking about sweaty… out of breath… bed… hair… whole room messed up kind of sex. If this doesn’t happen… Then you ain’t doing it right! We are the most sexual species on earth and we embrace it the least….
I think where we mess up with sex is how we were raised to think about it… Now true enough it is an intimate union that SHOULD be shared between man and wife… but lets be realistic tho… it SHOULD BE… but this is an IMPERFECT world we live in.. and sex is just that….SEX … there don’t have to be any strings attached… it doesn’t even really have to be a relationship involved… its just SEX between a man and a woman or same sex, people  that at that moment in time, when its just two (or more, LOL!)… people that are after one common goal -------> ORGASM! Regardless of what this world has to say about it… that's all sex will ever be… if your in a relationship.. fine.. more sex for you… But stop putting all these limitations on the life of SEX and just have some… it would make the world a hell of a lot better if people would get off their high horses and bounce up on something. I'm not saying go out and bounce up on everything… I am saying that this is the 1 thing that will never change in the universe… as long as there is evolution… there will be SEX… or there won’t be anymore us…
With Love,
Always Opinionated.


Known to most as pot. But formally has over 1,000 other names. Way before ALL OF OUR time there was marijuana. Used throughout history for thousands & thousands of years, (Mary as i commonly like to call her), is the most cultivated (grown) plant known to mankind. Changes: mood, perception, state of mind, & conscious thoughts, or as we call it… Makes us HIGH! For some it heightens the senses & opens the mind to understand things from a different points of view… others… makes them chill out… relax… Calm.. u know what i mean! For me… it increases my sex drive & creativity.
                  Mary contains THC or as the ones with medical degrees like to call it delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol which is a chemical compound that binds to some of our brain receptors. Mary (medicinal marijuana in this case) helps with a few things in the world like helping u eat (by giving u an appetite), reducing pain, nausea…. blah blah blah & for ppl that have diseases like cancer, AIDS, glaucoma (LOL!), intestinal issues (Told u Grandma!) & so much other stuff, uses Mary to aid in the help of easing the frequent symptoms of those diseases.
               Its smoked (doobies, blunts, pipes, bongs, hookas…), cooked… so many different ways. Mary is just used in all kinds of stuff (i wanna try those blow pops!). Mary has made the state of California so much money (& they need to stop lyin about it)… Mary can bring this economy back where it needs to be & beyond straight. All they gotta do is tax the MARY UP!… I mean sure.. the lil street dealers will lose a lil bit of $$ but its still gne be some of us out there that ain’t tryna pay them taxes… I mean just making it legal just makes so much more sense… Cuz either way we gne get the shit… Right?!… Think about how much $$ the  cigarette companies make… & they kill ppl every single day… Lets not mention how much the alcohol companies sittin on too… rich cunts! Ppl drink & drive & kill people everyday too! Never heard of ANYONE gettin high… drivin… & killin people. Or dying from too much smoking like cigarettes. Or getting addicted. Yall ever seen anyone on Celeb Rehab sayin they addicted to Mary??…. No?! Me Either! …..
            It pisses me off that Mary benefits us so much… yet its the 1 thing we as a people can’t seem to agree on. Why is it illegal?…. These bastards sayin its illegal because it PROTECT US frm personal career advancement, greed, corrupt legislators…. & some other mess they was sayin but what kinda BS is that?! Guns aint illegal hell… if u wanna protect us… start there… guns kills people more than any other thing on this earth! Stupid! There are so many more arguments against the legalization of Mary… I can’t share them all.
         but all i’m sayin is it actually could benefit us…. It ain’t never been proven to hurt us… ain’t never been caused harm by it… actually does the opposite for me… makes me all happy!! Sometimes all ppl see is the negative… all the while the positive could out weigh it. We should at least try… Barack could go down in history if he did that… & it just worked out so smooth… They’ll be like… That nigga did something. Mary is not the enemy.

With Love,
Always Opinionated.